Things To Do: Quarantine Edition

Since we're all on quarantine, or at least most of us, you're probably getting bored, and sitting around watching TV all day just won't work, I will create a series of daily posts with fun activities to keep you entertained. I'm not just saying this, they actually will be daily, starting tomorrow. I'm writing them in advance and then scheduling them, just to make it easier for me.(Read: because I'm lazy like that.) I know that right now, a lot of other bloggers/authors are going to be writing things like this, and you're probably wondering what makes these posts different. Well, for one, they all have to do with fashion, taking care of yourself, and other stuff like that, and two, I will include steps to how to do the activities, suggestions, and ideas on how to adapt the activities to suit you. All these posts will start with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc, so you know what to look for.
