8 Summer Fashion Hacks

What's the trick to staying cool and looking good this summer? Keep reading to find out! But first, let me apologize for not sticking to my blogging schedule. I'm posting today to hopefully make up for that. So, here we go. 

  1. Wear loose clothes. But be sure to keep your outfits balanced. If you're wearing a flowing tank top, don't pair it with baggy shorts. 
  2. Wear light colors. Darker colors absorb more sunlight, making you feel hotter. 
  3. Get fancier flip flops and sandals. Don't just get the cheap ones from the dollar store. In summer, you'll be wearing them a lot, so you'll need good quality. 
  4. Wear your hair up. If you have long hair, wear it in a braid, ponytail, or bun to keep your hair off your neck.
  5. Wear sunglasses. Not only do they look super cool, but they also help you see better in the hot sun. 
  6. Don't war a backpack if you can help it. They can make your back sweaty. Go for a crossbody bag instead. 
  7. Wear a hat. It doesn't matter what kind, really. If you're like me and don't like to wear hats, maybe you just haven't found the right type of hat yet. Or you can just wear a headband to keep the hair out of your face. 
  8. Wear more natural fabrics. You want breathability. 
I hope you found these tips useful! Let me know what you think.
I know this is pretty much what my other post, Keep Cool, is about, but this post has more to do with how to stay cool, through your clothing, if that makes since. 
