Here We Go Again: Back To School Tips And Advice

Back to school will probably be looking a little differently this year, with some people doing remote learning or hybrid. Here are some tips to making this the best school year ever, whatever you do. 

  1. Make ground rules about homework.
  2. Create a morning routine. Time yourself to see how long it takes you to get dressed, eat breakfast, do your makeup, make your lunch, etc, etc.
  3. Set goals for yourself. If you want to do better in math, tryout for a sports team, finish all of your homework, write down your goals so that you can check your progress throughout the year.
  4.  Get a comfortable backpack that doesn't hurt your back to lug around all day. 
  5. Get plenty of sleep so that you can focus better the next day.  
  6. Buy cute school supplies that you'll be exited to use. 
  7.  Keep time for yourself to do whatever makes you happy and relaxed.
  8. Organize your assignments, activities, and daily life in a planner. 
  9. Keep you backpack clean and tidy so you can find things easier. 
  10. Have fun with creating your first day of school outfit. After all, it only happens once a year. 
  11. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Yes, that means you'll actually need to eat breakfast. 
  12. Decorate your locker so it's functional and fabulous. 
  13. Change up your hairstyle just for fun. Whether you decide to cut off a few inches, or just start wearing it in braids, a new hairstyle can change your entire look!
  14.  Start with the hardest task. You'll be focused and by the time you get to the easier work, it'll be a breeze!
  15. Keep healthy snacks in your locker in case you forget your lunch!
  16. Organize your closet so you can pick out clothes in the morning easier. 
  17. Keep your room clean. While cleaning can be a hassle, messy rooms make it impossible to find things, slowing you down in the mornings when you need to get going. 
  18. Write in a journal or diary. Writing can help you calm down and de-stress. 
  19. Watch funny movies to cheer you up. If you just had a bad day, nothing will make you happier than watching a hilarious movie.
  20. Focus on the positive. Say things in your head like, "It could have gone much worse!" Or, "At least an elephant didn't fall on my head!"
  21. Try your best. Getting good grades is important in high school, but that doesn't mean you should slack off in middle school. 
  22. Stay focused in class. Don't chat with your friend, doodle on your notebook, or pass notes. 
That's it for this post! I hope this tips will help you, and good luck. 
