The Different Types of Jewelry: Earrings

I suggest you read this post even if you know what kinds of jewelry there are. It's good quite information, if I do say so myself. Which I do. 

Jewelry is probably the most popular accessory there is. If you disagree, comment down below to say so. That's what they're there for. For people to comment in them. Or through them, I suppose. Either way, just do it. Comment. You could even bring up how I should just get to the point of this rather than rambling. So, here we go. 

Like I was saying, jewelry is a popular accessory. But, how do you know if you're wearing too much? How do you know what goes with what? Or, if you're completely clueless, what jewelry is? Well, I suppose you could probably guess from the name. Jewelry. Something with jewels on it, you'd think. So, the better question would be, what kinds of jewelry is there? Well, that's what this post is all about. What kinds of jewelry there are. 

Image result for earrings for women
From Youtube
That's a bit much, don't you think?
Earrings are jewelry that go in your ear. Again, it's right in the name. Earrings. So, why do people like earrings so much? Let's find out. 
Image result for earrings for women
From ebay. 
The Benefits of Earrings
Speaking of benefits, you should read about The Benefits of Nail Polish. You just click on those words and you'll go right to it. But you have to be patient, it doesn't always work the first time. But, if it doesn't, it's your computer's fault, not mine. 
Image result for earrings for women
From Amazon
They draw attention to your face, which could also be a downside, if you didn't want to draw attention to your face. (Note how I said to, not on, which would imply that you should draw on your face. Leave that to the professionals.)
They are somewhat easy to put on. Unlike nail polish, because you don't see millions of videos on how to put in an earring. 
Image result for earrings for women
From, you guessed it, ebay
 They can be anything, from owls to cats to alligators to skulls to flowers to hearts to so much more that I don't want to list here.

Image result for earrings for women
From alamy
Now that's way to much.

The Downsides of Earrings
Image result for earrings for women
from brands-home
Um, you basically have to put a hole in your ear. Sounds like a blast!
If you have your hair down long, dangly earrings become tangly earrings. I would put in a fun picture of that, but Google cannot understand "dangly earrings tangled in long hair". 
Earrings that are too heavy pull on your ears. 
