Fall Fashions

Once again, it's fall. But what  do you wear? What do you need? When and where do you wear it? 
All these questions and more are answered on this fall edition of StyleFashionista. Do you have any questions about fall fashions? Comment them down below. Or Say It by scrolling down to the contact gadget. Make sure the subject is A Question About Fall Fashions or something like that so I will make sure to read it as soon as possible.
First, click here  to read Fall Outfit Essentials Part 1  in case you missed it when it first came out. 
Next, hit the shopping mall to buy any clothes you don't have. Or, if you have everything, just go shopping because, well, why not? 
Then, sort through your clothes, mixing and matching to create lots of chic outfits. 
Finally, keep an eye out for more fall fashion posts on this blog. If you want to know about more upcoming posts, click here to read Coming Soon. 

P.S. Click here to check out my new homemade portfolio, with the drawings all made by me. (All the real hair you see in the pictures is mine.)
