Owl Never Wear That


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Owl Never Wear That is about things that I would never wear. It is the most popular post on this blog, and the first post on this blog that has a remix. 

Ripped jeans? Plaid tunic??  Baseball hat???  Oversized tank top???? STOPWATCH????? Who even wears these things?????? One could bother to sew up one's own pants once every eternity! Or get clothing that matches one's gender and bother to get shirts that fit! A true lady should not cover her face with a hat from a sports game. It is most unbecoming. Who would possibly want to time oneself every you go? One should not rush things that gain importance. 
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One could bother to sew up one's own pants once every eternity. Why wear an army shirt unless if one enjoys war and fighting, I ask you? A lady should most certainly not wear black combat boots in public unless oneself would wish to be mistaken for a man.  No true lady shall ever be caught dead in camouflage. 
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One should not wear a farm coat in public unless if they are a farmer. But this should not be one's fashion choice, if  something as hideous as this could be called a fashion choice. For it looks like it was right off the runway. The  farm fashion don't runway. 
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One should not wear a face helmet that looks like a robot. How would one see or breathe? A lady should not wear puke green pants, plain or with designs. It is most unbecoming. One should bother to put  an effort in an outfit, for even crazy patterns would be better than this plain thing.  
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NOT SAFE FOR WORK??? What about not safe for wearing?? One should not wear a black hoodie with words such as these.  Why wear something not safe?? It could be dangerous. Or a really lame joke.
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One should not wear blouses with the names of a child's TV show. It is most unbecoming, extremely unfashionable, and very childish. Even if you enjoy the show, oneself should not plaster it into a article  of clothing and wear it. No true lady should even think about doing that.  

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One should never,ever, ever, wear sweats, smelly or otherwise.  And don't even get me started about
old orange sweatshirts. They should be Forbidden. I'm that serious. One could at least bother to get clothes that FIT. What the heck is a G-STAR???  What even is a UGG-LY UGG???  I know! Ugly! A true lady should never wear her pajama pants in public. Why does this even need to be said?

If you liked this post, check out Owl Never Wear That 2 for more of what I would never wear. 


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