Acne, zits, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, the list goes on and on. Some hurt, some itch, some bleed, and all are annoying. Have you ever wondered how to fight back against pesky pimples, annoying acne, and more? If you have, today's your lucky day! Read on to learn how to win the unwinnable battle.
HANDS OFF! That's the first and most important rule when fighting zits. When you touch them, oil from your hands spreads to the spot, which can cause it to grow. Don't poke them, itch them, pop them, rub them, or whatever.
WASH DAILY. Even a makeup remover will work for this step. Just don't use a facial wash that has lots of added oils, or one that strips away the oils on your skin.
MOISTURIZE. After washing, moisturize. This helps because most acne is caused by skin being too dry, so more oil is produced, and therefore you make sure that your face isn't too dry.
Myth 1. Chocolate causes zits.
Not true! Too much oil being produced causes most zits.
Myth 2. I should pick at it and pop it.
Don't! Picking at it adds more oils, and, on top of that, hurts! Popping zits can cause scars. Just leave it alone!
Myth 3. I'm the only person in the whole world that ever gets zits.
Yeah, right! Lots of other people get them, too. Just open your eyes and look around.
Myth 4. I can't go to school if I have a zit.
Yes, you can. Other kids at school get zits, too. Just cover it up with concealer, or, if your parents don't let you wear makeup, try not to draw attention to it. So no touching it, itching it, picking at it, or complaining to your friends about it. Pretend it doesn't exist, and other people will too.
Myth 5. If I have a zit, it will be there forever.
Nope! Zits normally don't stay more than week, if you don't touch, remember to wash your face, and moisturize.
So, that's how you beat the unbeatable battle against acne.
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