Blog Gossip

This is a remix of a post series I had, but I decided that a page would work much better. The newest news is at the top, so you don't have to scroll down to the bottom. 

8/ 16
Dang! I just realize I haven't posted in FOREVER! I'm so sorry about that. I think I'll only be posting once a week now, either Thursday or Sunday. Thank you all so much for you understanding!

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, but I hope it's worth it since I changed the background image and the fonts. Is it easier to read now? Also, sorry for not writing any new posts on Thursday. I had writer's block, and now I'm just making excuses. 

Like I said, I'm redoing the About this blog page, but this time I'm also going to add some stuff about me! So, comment down below if you have any questions about me that I can answer!

Something wasn't working right, which is why you haven't been able to see this page, and I just now got it fixed. 
I decided to do a series of posts on thrift store shopping, so check that out.  
I'm also redoing the Portfolio page, so that won't be up for a while. 

I am rewriting the About This Blog page, so if you were wondering why it isn't on the blog, that's why. I also decided to make an Acknowledgements page, but I'm not quite done yet. I took down the Owl Never Wear That page, and I'm not sure if I should put it back up. Comment down below to tell me what you think I should do. I love hearing your suggestions. 
I am now doing remixes of posts that I already made that I think need more information. Comment if you have a suggestion for a post that I should make a remix. When you comment, please put write what you are replying to to avoid any confusion. 
