11 Fashion Rules To Break

Have you ever heard the saying, "Rules are meant to be broken?" While tha may not always be the case, it certainly applies to fashion. Here are some basic fashion rules and why you should break them. 

  1. You can't wear white after labor day. Apparently there's some kind of ancient magic that decides what you can and can't wear. Personally I've always found this rule ridiculous. 
  2. Tall women can't wear heels. I'm sure that they are perfectly capable of doing so. 
  3. Sweatpants aren't for going out in public. That's not true. You just have to dress up your sweats a little. 
  4. You shouldn't wear leather in the spring or summer. You can! Just instead of leather pants and leather jackets, wear skirts, vests, or shorts. 
  5. You can't mix silver and gold. Mixing metals actually looks great. I don't know who started this myth, but they were wrong. 
  6. Short women can't wear long dresses. Long dresses can sometimes make you taller. This is another ridiculous rule that says you can't wear something because of your height. 
  7. Navy and black don't go together. Wear a lighter navy with jet black for a stunning look. 
  8. Brown and black don't go together. Wow, what's next, black and white don't go together? Brown and black can look great together. 
  9. Your bag and shoes must match. Seriously? It's just more fun to wear a fancy bag with casual shoes or vice versa. 
  10. Sequins are for nighttime. You can wear sequins in the daytime, too. Just keep the rest of your outfit more casual. 
  11. You can't wear denim on denim. Oh, I can't? Denim on denim can actually look really chic.
Go out and break these ridiculous fashion rules!
