I know it isn't Friday, but I still want you feedback! I did a post like this a while back, and I decided to make a remix. I love getting feedback from all my readers, and here are some questions I would love to see answers to. You don't have to, but it means a lot to me. Just comment the answer down below. You don't have to answer all the questions.
- What is your favourite post?
- Why do you like it? This can just be one sentence explaining why you like the post.
- What size posts do you prefer to read? By answering this question, you are helping me decide if I should make my posts long, or separate them into two parts.
- What should I post about next?
- Do you like the background image? This isn't that important, but I would still like to hear your opinion!
- Can you read the font? If not, what should I change it to?
- Which page is your favourite? Why do you like it?
- Are the labels helpful? Should I keep using them?
Sorry this post is so short. Please comment if you have any questions for me. And, if you haven't already, subscribe so you know when new posts come out.
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